Sunday, March 4, 2007

White Europeans: the Next Dodos

It’s in the New York Times, that makes it official: there are too few white people. This is leading to "dire predictions about a vanishing people." Wow, and I’m one the vanishers.
I wouldn’t make it up. Well, I might, but you can check it out for yourself at "The Motherhood Experiment" in today’s NYT Magazine.

In America there are two sides to every issue. Never three, or, heaven forbid, six, but we do get two. You know that because you’ve seen "Nightline." There’s that short guy who was Clinton’s PR man, and some right winger who says global warming is a hoax. Two sides.

But not on this one. "Scholars blame several phenomena" but apparently all these scholars agree on the gravity of the situation. "America has escaped such problem…staving off a crisis"…only due to immigration of breeding Mexicans.

Criminy, it’s beyond a problem, it’s a crisis.

It’s not just today’s article, I’ve read a dozen. They all assume, without so much as a qualifying footnote, that there is a crisis of low birthrate in Europe, and it will sweep through North America as soon as that wall is high enough or fortified with enough voltage.

No pundit ever seems to say "low birthrates are good." No one even says they are neutral, or not-so-bad. Low birth rates for white people are like Hugo Chavez: all bad, all the time.

No one in these articles says --

the population is projected to reach 10 billion at mid-century, way beyond sustainability, or…

in a few decades people are not likely to enjoy the wealth that white people do today, or…

fewer people means more sustainability, and fewer wars over scarce resources, or…

if there’s a crisis of extinction in North America or Europe, why not remove the walls and install freeways, or…

when you go to the concert or the ball game, don’t you love it when there are empty spots in the expensive seats, so you can sneak down, or…

it already takes 90 minutes to drive your SUV to work in California traffic, or…

… Ok enough already.

You’ve heard on talk radio (or more likely read about talk radio in Nation) that low-lifes say we need to breed more white people to counter the lower races. Responsible citizens repudiate those foul-mouthed, Fox-addicted racists. The NYT editors don’t even own AM radios.

Seems to me that the NYT writer has the same line, but in polite lingo. Oh, they do note that Singapore has gone too far as it "encourages its better-educated citizens to start families, while at the same time discouraging poor and less educated." Note how delicately that is worded: they’re just a tad overzealous.

The Times piece notes that Italy is especially un-prone to breeding. They remind us, in case we forgot, that it’s Catholic, a status sure to put you in deficit with the elite crowd.

The solution? The Northern Europeans are starting to offer cash incentives to breeders, to avoid becoming a "vanishing people." Turns out that social democrats know how to go forth and multiply. With cash in hand. I always knew they were super-smart, but it’s nice to be reminded.

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